Thursday, July 14, 2005

New Photos!


At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!!

We love hearing of your adventures! The pics are great, wish we could see more-beards huh? Nice. Keep the updates coming and can't wait to hear of the mailing locations for packages. Maybe we'll send something fun. Excited?? ;)

Ed, we're sorry to hear you're leaving the group, though what a wonderful opportunity you're giving your students. Colin, it was a relief to hear you're back on track and hopefully your knee will behave.

Take care everyone :)
Love, Jess & Rob

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Colin on the 18th! With the beard you really look like an old man of the road. Best of luck to everyone as you head toward the plains. I'll try to bring back a little of the cooler s. hemisphere weather on the Houston Express when I get home on Wednesday.
Dad Witherill


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