Sunday, June 19, 2005

On the road again...

Below are some pics I received from Adam Wallace and David Fitz. I will be adding a map soon that will plot their progress. I believe it was Friday's Forecaster which contained a brief article about the trip with some insights from the gang and their plans. Ramble on gentlemen! You are taking many folks along for the ride!


At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone say hello to wild boys, nay men, who have embarked on their journey. (This is Ben Rubins, by the way). I am extremely jealous of this crew. Take care fellas and see you back in Cumbe.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Tom said...

Note: the archives have not been lost, it's just a matter of getting a password from Colin to make the setting changes so they appear...every post will be preserved and the blog will serve as a virtual documentary for the entire conquest.


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